Zero to Co-op program

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Welcome to the Zero to Co-op program! Below you will find the self-directed co-op curriculum. This curriculum was designed in a partnership between CCE and the TESA Collective. The Zero to Co-op program is designed for start-up co-ops, and it can also be utilized by existing co-ops looking to improve their operations and governance. Each workshop and activity is editable and customizable. While they all provide guidance around timing, learning goals, and objectives, these are suggestions, and you should feel free to adjust the content and structure to fit your needs. Enjoy the curriculum, and please reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

This program is free to subscribers of our mailing list.

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Zero to Co-op

Phase I

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Initial Co-op Organizing Meeting Goals

  • Prepare group for initial meeting of co-op members
  • Discuss co-ops and cooperative structures
  • Organize sub-committees and work groups

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Get Co-op Committees Worksheet

Values Workshop Goals

  • Develop a shared understanding of individual values
  • Discuss and establish values that the co-op will embody

Read Lesson

Get Co-op Values Breakout Group Discussion Guide Worksheet

Conducting Key Individual Interviews Goals

  • Develop and execute key individual interviews in your community
  • Build community trust and awareness through interviews
  • Identify key community resources and stakeholders
  • Evaluate feasibility and structure of business

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Get Interview Scenarios Worksheet

Business Model Canvas Workshop Goals

  • Develop a Business Model Canvas
    • A business model canvas can help your group identify and explore the different elements and practices of your business and see them all on one page.
  • Take the first step towards developing a more comprehensive business plan

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Get Worksheet: Business Model Canvas for Cooperatives

Get Worksheet: Business Model Canvas for Cooperatives – Questions

Zero to Co-op

Phase II

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Finances I: Mapping out Expenses Goals

  • Explore the startup costs and how to fulfill them as a cooperative group
  • Collaborate with sub-committees to complete key individual surveys
  • Build financial literacy as a group and create a plan through the finance committee

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Get Committee Budget Focus Areas Worksheet

Finances II: Revenue and Expenses Goals

  • Identify and explore revenue streams and develop accurate projections
  • Develop customer profiles
  • Compare and reflect upon expenses and revenues

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COGs Activity

Finances III: Developing a Budget Goals

  • Explore the importance of a budget and analyze past financial planning
  • Develop and initial budget for the co-op
  • Generate a plan to sustain this through the finance committee

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Get Co-op Monthly Budget + Cash Flow Template: How Can We Make More Money? A Values Based Finance Education Kit

Zero to Co-op

Phase III

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Marketing Workshop I Goals

  • Analyze your market, and develop a plan for how to effectively reach and communicate with your customers
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis, and explore the who, what, when, and where about your customers
  • Develop strategic marketing goals

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Get Customer Profile Worksheet

Get Analyzing Your Competition Worksheet

Marketing Workshop II Goals

  • Develop a plan to achieve your marketing goals, expand with a specific focus on communication strategies and digital marketing

Read Lesson

Get Digital Marketing Worksheet

Pro Forma Activity Goals

  • Learn and explore the importance of creating a Pro-Forma
    • Pro-Forma is a tool that allows you to create short and long-term projections for your co-op based on the work you have already done on your market research and financial calculations.
  • Develop a Pro-Forma for your co-op

Read Lesson

Get Pro Forma Template

Business Plan Workshop Goals

  • Develop a business plan for your co-op
    • This business plan is a culmination of your work so far in the Zero to Co-op Program.
  • Incorporate and analyze the financial projections, Pro-Forma, interviews and market research
    • You will be using a business model template developed by BCCO for the Worcester Roots Academy. This business plan is available via
  • Celebrate your accomplishments in the Zero to Co-op Program!

Read Lesson

Get Business Plan Template

Zero to Co-op

Additional Resources

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